JERRY RICHARDS, 21, 5'8 1/2 155 lbs. Additional studies of him and more detailed information will be found on pages 26 and 27 of the 13-2 Physique Pictorial. Catalog pages UV pgs 1 thru 9 $1.30. He will later be released in several AMG films including wrestling with models. Chuck Naylor, and with David Chappel (all separate films) Photo UV-1-K

with Chuck Hall,

His first job was at the original.

Vic Tanny Gym in Santa Monica California (now in other hands and often referred to as "The Dungeon". Dick was short of funds, and would frequently sleep at the gym. But

he made many fine friends with whom he shared quarters such as Steeve Reeves, Keith Stephan.

AMG has a short posing film of Dick, partly in trunks and partly in posing strap: 8mm: $5.50, 16mm $8.26.

Page 4

RICHARD HARRISON in AMG Photo No. XB-1-GY. At the time this photo was taken Dick was 21, 6' 185 lbs. He was introduced to us by Chuck Renslow of Kris Studios who have also done some very fine work on him.

Dick has done considerable motion picture and television work including West Point, Green Grow the Lilacs, etc. You may remember him as the co-pilot in the opening scene of "South Pacific", also as the bearded pilot in "Master of the World". Currently he is in Europe where he has starred in ten films--the latest being "Seven Gladiators" which is currently playing at many local theatres.

AMG has taken over 250 photos

of Dick and cataloged them in Catalog Group XB: 19 photographic catalogs 4x5 inches ea in size: $2.50 for the entire group. From these you can select individual poses that suit your fancy at only 35c each for 4x5 prints when you buy five or more. When you buy twen-

ty or more the price drops to only 25c each. (Single prints 50c each for 4x5s).

Dick has had a very interesting and exciting life. Raised in a strong religious (Mormon) home he followed the tenets of the church very closely--used no alcohol, tobacco,

or stimulants. With Bill Melby, and other Salt Lake friends he would visit various church groups "spreading the gospel" of healthful living and bodybuilding.

When he first reached Los Angeles he was determined to make it on his own without asking his family for help. (His father had hoped he would become eta lawyer and Dick began law studies at the University of Utah, but Dick felt he would be happier if he became an actor.




Release da

5, 1964

Joe Spencer

11 1/2 min.

Catalog pgs

15-19 VW,

Photo VW-5-K

On your left LUTIST & THE SOLDIER.

Joe and Pick Spencer made quite a hit in the film "Sailor & The B-Girl" 8mm $18.25, 16mm $7.38 They do a fine job in this film also. Joe is still around, but Rick has disappeared (owing us some $45 we advanced him to get himself out of a serious jam).

THE CAT BURGLAR. Spencer Durante always makes a film worthwhile. He is one of the most vivacious well adjusted young men we know. He's in many of our films and we wish he were in even more,

Film C-20




12 1/2 minutes



Bm $12.50 16mm $18.75

Earl Lawrence